domingo, 31 de enero de 2016

St Valentine's Day is round the corner. How much do you know about it?

St Valentine Quiz: Hacé este quiz y descubrí cuánto sabés sobre San Valentín (las rtas las encontrás al final).

Be my Valentine!

Who was St. Valentine?

A member of the Roman Senate

An emperor of Rome                                             

A Roman martyr

What is the love story behind St. Valentines Day?

On February 14th, Valentine was put to death, but left a note for his love, a jailer's daughter, signed "From Your Valentine"

On February 14th, Valentine handed out flowers to all of Rome´s women

On February 14th, Valentine got married to his true love from childhood

How many Valentines Day cards are sold each year?

50 million

500 million

1 billion

Who is Cupid?

In Roman mythology, he is the son of Venus

In Greek mythology, he is the child of love

In Roman mythology, he is the king of other gods and goddesses

When did Valentine's Day become associated with romance?

When Chaucer wrote about love birds in the middle ages

When President Theodore Roosevelt declared it a holiday

When Hollywood started to make romantic comedies


1) A Roman martyr.
2) On February 14th, Valentine was put to death, but left a note for his love, a jailer's daughter, signed "From Your Valentine".
3) 1 billion.
4) In Roman mythology, he is the son of Venus.
5) When Chaucer wrote about love birds in the middle ages.

viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

FGP Centro de Enseñanza de Inglés.

   Queremos felicitar a Leo Luque y Lorena Vozza, 2 alumnos nuestros, que aprobaron el First Certificate in English (FCE) Exam. Lo dieron en diciembre y ayer recibieron la nota. Congratulations!!! Well done!!!

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016


. Llamanos al 5294-6106 y consultá x ntros. cursos.

Estudiá Inglés con un enfoque motivador, dinámico en un ambiente agradable con profesores con gran experiencia en la enseñanza!!!

martes, 19 de enero de 2016

Hacé tu Prueba Nivelación on line!!

¿Sabés cuál es tu nivel de inglés? Averigualo haciendo la prueba nivelación en ntra. página web: ¡Es totalmente gratuito!